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The past doesn't equal the future.
-- Anthony Robbins


Thursday, May 25, 2006

Give a little kindness

Give a little kindness to the world today. Give a little kindness, and you’ll see how it much it grows. For the kindness you give never goes away. The more you give, the more there is.

Even when it seems that the kindness you give is not being appreciated, there is real value in it. Even when it seems that it doesn’t mean anything to anyone else, it means something to you.

Give a little kindness, and it will keep you positively focused. Give a little kindness, and it will help you to see a new world of rich possibilities.

Invest your time and effort in kindness, and there is no limit to the good it can bring. For a kindness, once offered, can keep on replicating itself long after you’ve forgotten about it.

And eventually that kindness, after going and growing through the many lives it touches, will come back to you. You may not even recognize it because of how much bigger and more beautiful it has grown.

— Ralph Marston

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