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Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process.
-- Anne Wilson Schaef


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Give yourself a minute

Before you respond to what life throws at you, give yourself a minute. Give yourself a minute, and your response will be much more powerful and effective.

Sometimes, in situations of immediate danger, it pays to react immediately and automatically. Most of the time, though, a thoughtful, measured response is by far the most advantageous response.

Feel the powerful, adrenaline-laced emotions of the moment, and take them into consideration. But don’t let those emotions control you.

Take a deep, calming breath, and put the situation in perspective. Remind yourself of who you are, and remember not to do something rash that you’ll quickly regret.

Instead of letting the situation control you, let your highest values point the way forward. Instead of merely trying to prove something, find a way to truly improve things.

Before you act, give yourself a minute. And give life your very best, most positive and effective response.

— Ralph Marston

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