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Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.
-- Anthony J. D'Angelo


Friday, July 26, 2013

No shortcut

Following your purpose requires work. Achieving the life of your dreams requires challenging, sustained effort.

On a daily basis, it’s tempting to avoid the real work of fulfillment. There are so many other ways to fill your time.

So it pays to continually remind yourself of the irreplaceable value of that work. It pays to remind yourself that true fulfillment is simply not possible without authentic commitment and effort.

Though you may occasionally be enticed into thinking that there’s a shortcut to a life of fulfillment, there is no shortcut. Because what you truly desire are not the empty tokens of achievement, but the experience of creating achievement.

Instead of wasting your time looking for the easy way out, put your energy into giving your very best efforts. Recommit yourself to making a real, satisfying, positive difference in your own life and in the lives of others.

Rather than avoiding it or complaining about it, choose to enjoy and treasure the effort. For it is through your effort that your true purpose is fulfilled.

— Ralph Marston

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