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The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Aim even higher

You’ve done much. Now do more.

Life is dynamic, never standing still, moving either forward or back. Standing still is not an option, and you don’t want to slip backwards, so do what it takes to move forward.

Be satisfied with what you’ve done, but don’t be content to merely leave it at that. After you’ve made a little progress, or a lot, make a lot more.

Achievement is not a good reason to stop achieving. In fact, it’s a great starting point for even more achievement.

Whether you’ve aimed high, or aimed low, or have not aimed at all, now is the time to aim higher. Give your life a boost of energy and enthusiasm by giving yourself a great and meaningful place to go.

Aim high, achieve, and then aim even higher. You know you can do it, and you know how good and right it feels.

— Ralph Marston

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