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Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them.
-- Hugh Miller


Monday, August 19, 2013

Conditions are perfect

Don’t put off your life waiting for conditions to be right. Conditions are perfect, right here and now, because you are alive and able to make a difference.

The day to live life fully is not someday. Someday never comes, yet today is here for you right now.

Wait no longer, for in this moment is the opportunity you seek. Life can be as rich and fulfilling as you dare to imagine on this very day.

For life’s richness does not come from arranging your affairs in a certain, specific way. Life’s true richness is found by allowing, feeling, expressing and experiencing your own unique beauty as it flows out from you.

Let that beauty flow into whatever circumstances you may find yourself in. Release the conditions you’ve put on joy, and let it fill your world, however that world may otherwise be.

On this day, in this moment, in this place, conditions are perfect for you to fully live. Experience the wonder of your life that is right now.

— Ralph Marston

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