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In life, as in football, you won't go far unless you know where the goalposts are.
-- Arnold Glasow


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Give care

If all you care about is what’s in it for you, there won’t be much in it for you. If all you care about is what other people think of you, people won’t think very highly of you.

What you care about has a powerful impact on the way your life unfolds. So instead of caring so much about what you think you need, put your energy into caring for all that you have.

You have life, and great possibilities, and other people with whom to enjoy it all. You have a universe filled with beauty and wonder, and the opportunity to create new meaning and value.

Give loving care, attention, gratitude and support to the abundance with which your world is filled. Take good care of the good things, and they will grow even more beneficial.

Give care, focused thought, attention and awareness to whatever you’re doing, and whatever you’re doing will bring meaningful, valuable results. Give your care to making a difference, and continually put that care into action.

Lift up life by caring for it. Give true care, and the rewards are immense.

— Ralph Marston

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