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Just do what you do best.
-- Red Auerbach


Friday, December 13, 2013

Clear direction

Decide where you will go, and then go there. When you live by intention, there is no limit to the rich rewards that life can bring.

To get somewhere, you must first know precisely where that is. To achieve, you must zero in on the specific details of your intended achievement.

Whether it is for an hour, a day, a month, five years or five decades, clear and purposeful direction makes a profound difference. The highest level of fulfillment comes to those who can envision precisely what that fulfillment looks like.

Yes, it’s difficult to hone your scattered ideas and desires into a positive, coherent direction. Yet you most certainly can do it, and each time you do the results will be amazing.

Give yourself a clear direction for this day, for this week, for this beautiful and unique life of yours. Give yourself a clear direction and you’ll have a workable path to your own special greatness.

In whatever you’re doing, choose a direction that will express your highest, most treasured values. Give yourself a direction, and give your very best gifts to life.

— Ralph Marston

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