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Our acts make or mar us, -- we are the children of our own deeds.
-- Victor Hugo


Friday, July 11, 2014

Rich today

Stop for a moment and consider how rich you are right now, today. Then you can step forward and live the benefits of that richness.

You are alive and aware in a universe filled with abundance. That’s worth more than you could possibly calculate, and there’s no limit to what you can do with that richness.

Yet there’s much, much more. For you can learn, you can explore, you can connect, you can build and create and add more wisdom and experience on top of the wealth you already have.

If one area of your life seems to be lacking in richness, you can make use of the richness in other areas to overcome that deficit. Whatever problem or challenge may confront you, there is plenty of richness and energy in your life to move you beyond it.

Living successfully is largely a matter of appreciating and utilizing what you have. So make it a point to regularly feel the immense power and value of what you have, and to focus that value on moving forward.

You are truly rich today, and the more fully you realize it, the more of that richness you can enjoy and benefit from. Choose to feel your own unique richness, to let it flow, and to make it grow.

— Ralph Marston

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