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You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Now is what you have

The best of life is not out of your reach. It is here in this moment.

It is outstanding to dream, to plan, to work toward a meaningful goal and to achieve great and valuable things. But you don’t have to wait for later to get the most out of life.

Everything you need to enjoy the richness of life is here now, today, where you are. With what you have, with what you know, with what you feel and with what’s available to you, you can experience life at its best.

The key for doing so is to live with purpose, with authentic passion, with enthusiasm and genuine gratitude. In whatever situation you may find yourself, with whatever else you may have, you have the privilege of experiencing life from your own unique perspective.

Let go of the illusion that something else, something out there, something apart from you will make you happy. Let happiness and real, true joy flow from whatever you’re doing, wherever you are.

This day is too precious to waste it waiting or hoping for things to be different. Now is what you have, and it has beautiful possibilities, so delight in it fully while it is here.

— Ralph Marston

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