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No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Positive questions

Your mind is built to seek answers. Just by asking a question, you engage your mental resources in finding an answer, or several good answers.

As such, it is important to ask yourself positive questions. Because positive questions produce positive answers.

Don’t focus your questions around why things are so bad or what’s wrong with the world or what’s the matter with you. Instead, ask yourself what the opportunities are, what things can you do better, and how you can make the most of the moment you’re in.

In every question is a presumption and an expectation of what kind of answer you’ll get. Make it a habit to ask questions of yourself that presume and expect a positive answer.

The person you listen to most, and trust the most, is you. The questions you ask yourself have a powerful influence on the direction of your focus, your actions, your outcomes.

What can you do to feel great about the possibilities of this day? How will you begin to bring the best of those possibilities to life, right now?

— Ralph Marston

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