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If a man happens to find himself, he has a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life.
-- James A. Michener


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Respond from the heart

Your ego is always ready to pounce on whatever comes your way and react to it. But you know there’s a better way.

Rather than reacting with your ego, you choose to respond with your heart and mind. Instead of being consumed with petty, superficial acts, you make your actions smart, helpful, considerate.

You’ve learned that your ego can drain your energy, waste your time and poison your relationships. So you go deeper, listening to and acting in accordance with your true self.

Though ego can be enticing in the moment, you’ve seen again and again how much regret it produces. Now, you know better than to give in to ego’s enticements.

As you increasingly tune out the noisy ranting of your ego, you discover more deep and awesome value in your authentic self. And that gives great power and purpose to all you do.

Now, you’re strong enough, thoughtful enough to respond from the heart. Now, you’re able to leave ego behind and to create a more positive future ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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