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No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.
-- Voltaire


Monday, February 12, 2018

Driven from within

No matter what happens today, at the end of the day you will still be you. You will still love all you love now, still care about all you care about now.

The world will change today in countless ways, some of them completely unexpected. Yet whatever happens, the good things that truly matter to you will continue to be just as important.

Today is your opportunity to grow stronger, more capable, more kind and loving, more purposeful. Today you can find new ways to put your highest values into positive action.

And you can do so with full confidence. Because nothing can happen today that will diminish the sincere, authentic person you are.

All sorts of unexpected incidents can quickly alter your outer circumstances. Yet none of them need to even slightly scratch your brilliant inner beauty.

Remind yourself often of that beauty, of your peace and essence that nothing can touch. Do all you do, not intimidated by the world, but peacefully driven from within to make it better.

— Ralph Marston

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