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Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience.
-- James Freeman Clarke


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Morning light

Every morning, light appears on the eastern horizon and begins to push away the night. It is a wonder occurring so often, so reliably, you rarely even think about it.

Next time it happens, take notice. Remind yourself of the ongoing celestial dance making everything that’s possible for you, possible.

Life-giving light, warmth, and energy rain down in great abundance from the sky above. Nothing anyone could ever do, no problem, no worry, no difficult situation, could ever stop it.

The challenges you face are big for you. Yet they are small compared to all the possibilities, all the wonders, all the resources, and the whole of abundance that’s available to you.

Countless others who came before you found ways to harness the morning light, to transform raw abundance into meaningful lives. Because of their faith, effort and perseverance against all odds, you are here on this day, able to enjoy the wondrous life you experience.

Now is your chance to continue the progress, to add to the wonder, to live up to your potential, hard-won by so many over so much time. Marvel at the morning light as it warms your face, and put its energy to use as you add your own fresh goodness and wonder to life.

— Ralph Marston

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