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One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interest.
-- John Stewart Mill


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Offering of love

There’s a job to do, and as difficult and demanding as it may be, it never has to be a fight. Let it be an offering of love.

You have the opportunity to invest your time and energy in something worthwhile. Choose to do the work with gratitude and a positive presence.

Decide to find fulfillment in working through the complications instead of automatically reacting with frustration. Recognize value in the challenges rather than letting your attitude be poisoned with resentment.

The work demands much of you. Remind yourself what a good thing that is.

Your intention makes all the difference in the way the work unfolds, in the value that you create. Proceed and persist with the intention to offer your best, to offer your love.

You are spending your irreplaceable time on the work, so make it time well spent. Make it an offering of love.

— Ralph Marston

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