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Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven.
-- Mary Baker Eddy


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Rise above thoughtlessness

Pretty much no one in your life is going to treat you the way you want to be treated all the time. Decide to be okay with that.

Certainly if you’re being threatened or abused you must extract yourself immediately from that situation. But if you’re being slighted, or offended, inconvenienced, not fully appreciated, so what?

The way people treat you is their problem, and you never have to make it yours. You can exercise and expand your strength by rising above the negative, thoughtless behavior of others.

No, that doesn’t mean acting aloof and superior. It means focusing on what you can control, on your own good thoughts, your own words, your own behavior.

Respond to disrespect with respect, to thoughtlessness with kindness and understanding. You can be the person to improve the quality of interaction, and that is a powerful position in which to place yourself.

Most people don’t want to be rude or hurtful, they’re mainly dealing with their own fears and insecurities. Always keep that in mind, and be an example of how a positive, accepting attitude can create a more positive world.

— Ralph Marston

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