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Never esteem anything as of advantage to thee that shall make thee break thy word or lose thy self-respect.
-- Marcus Aurelius


Friday, June 1, 2018

Work in progress

You are a work in progress. And there is no end to the progress you can make.

No matter what level you attain, you can aim even higher. However much you already know, you can learn more.

Today is part of that work in progress. You won’t get it perfect, you won’t get it all done, yet you can make good and productive use of your time.

The grand epiphanies and eureka moments are few and far between. What is always accessible to you, however, is the opportunity for incremental progress.

Small moments spent on worthwhile and meaningful pursuits do add up. And today is provisioned with hundreds of such small moments for you to wisely use.

You are a work in progress. Do the work and make the progress, one steady, purposeful step at a time.

— Ralph Marston

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