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The greatest sin is not to be filled with joy.
-- Rabbi Leveratov


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Positive footprints

You cannot go backwards in time to undo what’s already been done. So before you go forward, consider the consequences of your actions.

You won’t be able to reclaim time that has already passed. As each moment comes, remind yourself to make good and meaningful use of it.

Regret is a terribly helpless feeling because there’s no way to change what you have already done. Keep that in mind as you make each choice.

Once you utter a thoughtless comment, it will forever be a part of what you have said. All the apologies and regrets in the world will not change that.

You can only move forward through time. As you do, take care to leave positive, beneficial footprints at every point along the way.

Make your choices the ones you’ll be pleased to live with. Speak and act to make your future self, and everyone else, thankful for all you do.

— Ralph Marston

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