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The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.
-- Alfred North Whitehead


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Clear, positive vision

What is your vision for today, this month, next year? A clear, positive vision will raise your energy level and effectiveness in every endeavor.

When the big positive things are compelling enough, you’ll hardly notice the little negative things. When you focus on accomplishing what is truly meaningful and significant, then the everyday distractions and annoyances quickly shrink into insignificance.

In every moment, your focus is on one thing or another. When you can stay focused on the good and positive things that mean the most to you, the little annoyances have no way to bring you down.

Why waste your time and energy worrying and fretting about things that really don’t matter that much? Instead, direct your focus toward creating value for yourself, for those around you and for the world in which you live.

Sure, you’ll need to take care of the little problems and deal with the distractions as they come along. That will go much more smoothly, without anger, resentment, worry or frustration, when your primary focus is on the big picture.

Stop letting all the little things bring you down. Focus instead on the best you can imagine, and let that positive vision pull you forward.

— Ralph Marston

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