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The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.
-- Mortimer Adler


Friday, November 9, 2018

See the good

See the good in life. See the good in people, in situations, in knowledge, possibilities, values and resources.

Even when the worst happens, make a point to see the good in life. The best way forward begins with envisioning a positive way forward.

See the good, and let your spirit be lifted by what you see. See the good, and act on the possibilities for expanding upon it.

Seeing the good does not mean you have to be naive, or in denial. It means you choose to be strong and positive within a reality that can often have a negative flavor.

Yes, terrible things can happen, and often do. And yes, even so, there is always a positive path forward.

See the good that is possible and live your life in support of that goodness. Take hold of what is good, and with your time, with your actions, make more of it.

— Ralph Marston

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