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Energy is equal to desire and purpose.
-- Sheryl Adams


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Get good work done

It is not too late, and it is not too soon. The time is what it is, the situation is what it is, and you can make progress within it.

It is not too loud, too quiet, too dark, too bright. Whatever the conditions happen to be, you can take action and get good work done.

The people you encounter are not too rude, too careless, or too inconsiderate. They yearn for meaning, fulfillment, healing, peace and joy, just as you do, and there’s much you can achieve by working together.

This day is here. Rather than scrutinizing all its imperfections, embrace its many opportunities.

The best use of your time is not in making judgments or excuses. Grab what you have to work with, put forth the effort, and something good will come of it.

This time, this situation, is here to be put to positive and productive use. Focus on what you can do, on the contributions you can offer, and make great things happen.

— Ralph Marston

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