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Courage without conscience is a wild beast.
-- Robert G. Ingersoll


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Choose your perspective

In any situation, you control your perspective. You decide what to notice, what to care about, what to allow inside your head, what to keep out.

One quick thought, one small but meaningful reminder, can completely alter your perspective. What can you tell yourself, right now, that will give you a more positive and powerful outlook?

A well-chosen perspective keeps your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings in line with your best interests. Whatever the external conditions may be, your perspective enables you to make beneficial use of them.

Life is often noisy, complicated, unpredictable, and downright bewildering at times. A strong and steady perspective enables you to thrive, to achieve, to create real goodness in the midst of the maelstrom.

Ask yourself now, and often, what do you really care about? Establish and maintain a perspective that inoculates you from the turmoil of the moment.

Choose a perspective that shines a brilliant light on your best possibilities. And give yourself the power to bring those possibilities to life.

— Ralph Marston

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