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Miracles are not in contradiction to nature. They are only in contradiction with what we know of nature.
-- Saint Augustine


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Give goodness

If you focus on anger and retribution, you create more reasons for anger and retribution. Focus instead on giving goodness, and you make even more goodness possible.

If your aim is to cause harm, that will harm you too. Seek instead to give goodness, because the world you improve is the same world you live in.

You have the strength to choose what is good, what is right, what is helpful. You have the commitment, the fortitude, to follow through on those positive choices.

Give goodness, in ways that are unique, insightful, based on your experience, driven by your love. Give goodness because you know you can, because you’re able to envision life at its best.

Give goodness for the sake of goodness. Even when it’s inconvenient, especially when it’s inconvenient, give goodness.

Remind yourself often of the best of who you are. From deep within, for those with whom you share the miracle of life, give goodness.

— Ralph Marston

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