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What does not destroy me, makes me strong.
-- Friedrich Neitzche


Friday, June 12, 2020

Choose serenity

Let go of the tension. Allow serenity to fill your experience.

What will happen, will happen. Do not let your uncertainty about the future drain value from the present.

What you have is now, and you can live it well. What you have is now, and now you have the opportunity to make a difference.

Your frustration is a creature of your own making. You can decide that it does not have to trouble you any longer.

There is much that doesn’t make sense, that seems foolish, that feels wrong. Yet there is a whole lot more that you can love, and find peace and wholeness in experiencing.

Choose serenity, and think, feel, act from a place of peaceful confidence, a place of positive power. Choose serenity now, and give life the highest and best you have.

— Ralph Marston

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