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As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.
-- Voltaire


Monday, January 17, 2022

Go ahead with it

Yes it will take time, yes it will require effort. Go ahead and get it done.

You can think of a hundred excuses but none of them will solve the problem or achieve the goal. What will work is you, doing the work.

You may have to struggle for a while, pushing uphill against a bitter cold wind. Yet you will survive, you’ll gain strength and raise your level of confidence.

You’ll have something to show for the time that has passed. And you’ll have established a little bit of positive momentum.

In the short run the easiest choice is to delay, procrastinate, give in to doubt and hesitation. Look at the big picture, though, and see clearly that your best choice is to go ahead and get it done.

Now, while your inspiration is strong, take the first step. Then continue to follow through until you can look back and be thankful that you went ahead and got it done.

— Ralph Marston

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