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Do an evening review at the end of the day to reflect on what went well, and what you'd do differently next time.
-- Marilyn Suttle


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Life’s demands

Your job demands much of you. And the people around you routinely hit you with their demands.

Your health, your finances, your household and community impose demands upon you as well. The experience of life is often a demanding experience.

You cannot magically make life less demanding. What you can do is make the demands less burdensome by cheerfully accepting and dealing with them.

Remind yourself that a big reason life is so demanding is because you are so capable. Indeed, one way to gauge your competence and capability is by the number of demands on your time and efforts.

Life is demanding because what you do makes a difference. Life is demanding because you are able to meet those demands.

Every demand is a confirmation of the good work you can do. That’s a reason to be thankful, not resentful.

— Ralph Marston

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