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Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
-- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Best version of you

No feeling lasts forever. If the way you feel is holding you back, change it.

Right now you can replace futility with hope. Right now you can transform apathy into enthusiasm.

Have you had a disappointing few minutes, or day, or month? Here is where the disappointment ends and a more fruitful, fulfilling life begins.

You will always face challenges and difficult situations. Yet you don’t ever have to let any outside conditions get you down.

You decide who you are, how you feel, where to focus your attention and energy. Decide in a way that uplifts your life and the lives around you.

The world is as it is. Meet that world with the very best version of you, and do the good work to bring more positive possibilities to life.

— Ralph Marston

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