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Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love.
-- Mohandas K. Gandhi


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Beyond frustration

Frustration can put you in a foul mood and ruin your effectiveness. But it doesn’t have to.

You can notice your frustration, learn from it, take positive action based on it. You don’t have to let it become an excuse.

On its own, whatever is frustrating you is not forcing you to be one way or another. The source of frustration may be out of your control, yet your own response is very much up to you.

Don’t let frustration goad you into needless anger, rudeness, or other destructive behavior. Instead, see it as a prompt to reaffirm your own positive direction.

Whether your frustration is with yourself or with your situation, there’s nothing to be gained by perpetuating it. Make it your choice to move quickly beyond that frustration.

Don’t allow frustration to make you into someone you would not want to be. Rise above it and commit yourself once again to living at your very best.

— Ralph Marston

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