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We win half the battle when we make up our minds to take the world as we find it, including the thorns.
-- Orison Sweet Marden


Thursday, March 24, 2022

However it may come

Ease your burdens by acknowledging those burdens. Liberate yourself by admitting you are not perfect.

Deepen your understanding by realizing how you’ve been mistaken. Gain control over fear by confronting your fears.

You can’t make the difficult and uncomfortable things go away by pretending they don’t exist. You gain the upper hand on those difficulties by being clear and honest about them.

Your life will never be completely free of trouble. Yet you do not have to be defined or dominated by any of those troubles.

You can choose to accept that life has downs as well as ups, that your existence is not flawless. By so doing, you free yourself to successfully deal with it all in ways that give your life richness and fulfillment.

Discover how confidently you can take life as it comes, however it may come. Continue to make value, beauty, and goodness from it all.

— Ralph Marston

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