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Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
-- David Lloyd George


Friday, March 25, 2022


Absurdity can be compelling, convincing, and certainly entertaining. Yet if something is too good to be true, too much on point to be true, or too awful to be true, it’s probably not true.

Take care not to make decisions too quickly based on what’s extreme, on what’s absurd. Give the absurdities a look if you must, but make it a wary and detached look.

Desperately wanting something to be true doesn’t make it true. Absurdity can promise to validate your viewpoint, or easily solve your problem, yet its promises are empty ones.

It can be hard to know who or what to believe. Yet when what you’re being told is absurd on its face, you can be certain you’re not getting the full picture.

By design, absurdity draws you in, plays on your emotions, fires your passion. With all that happening, remind yourself there’s a good chance someone has set out to manipulate you.

Rather than jumping to the conclusions implied by cheap absurdities, seek a deeper understanding. Live and act based on what makes good sense rather than on those absurd, sensational things that don’t.

— Ralph Marston

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