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The problem with communication ... is the illusion that it has been accomplished.
-- George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

So very much good

You lament that the good possibilities are all gone. But that’s just an easy, flimsy excuse.

You blame this person, that person, some odd factor or common situation. Yet assigning blame fails to accomplish anything of value.

Scrub your mind clean of distracting, defeating thoughts and consider this question. What can you do right now to add value, richness, and goodness to life?

Set aside the unproductive habits and obsessions, and focus in on the opportunities of the moment. Take a deep breath, thankful for the energy that fills you, and go to work.

Push yourself a little bit past what is comfortable. See how right and thrilling it feels to be you, doing the good work you can do.

Now is too valuable to waste on anything less than being your best. There’s so very much good you can do.

— Ralph Marston

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Copyright ©2022 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.

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