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A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
-- Ernest Hemingway


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Chance to give your best

Progress comes when you desire the attaining just as much as you desire what you wish to attain. Achievement is a matter of seeking the necessary skills just as earnestly as you seek the rewards.

Envision your goal and clearly connect that goal to the forces deep inside that drive you. Then connect yourself just as intimately to the challenging adventure of bringing that goal to life.

The reward is part of the process and the process is part of the reward. What has real and lasting value for you is what you give your time and effort and value to.

You won’t ever get meaningful value for nothing. And you wouldn’t want it if you could.

What gives anything value is what you’re able to put into it. Every day, every challenge, relationship, situation gives you the chance to give your best.

Grow in strength, wisdom, capability, and resilience. Every ounce of value you give adds to the richness and fulfillment of life.

— Ralph Marston

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