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Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.
-- William James


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Good to everyone

Kindness toward others is kindness toward yourself. Patience with others gives rise to more patience with yourself.

There’s nothing particularly selfish about acting in your own self interest. Because in order to truly do so you must also further the interests of others.

Even when you create value solely for yourself, the benefits of your good work extend far beyond you. When you act with love, creativity, and goodness, that goodness cannot be contained.

In the very same way any time you create value for others, you too are a beneficiary. No matter where your good intentions and actions are directed, they reflect back on you.

Your sincere generosity raises the energy level of all life. So do beauty, understanding, appreciation, wisdom, gratitude and more.

Never pass up the opportunity to act with goodness, no matter its direction. Be good to you, and good to everyone else.

— Ralph Marston

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