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Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
-- Marie Curie


Monday, May 30, 2022

Enjoy life

Enjoy the full and amazing experience of life. Yes, there are plenty of difficulties in the world, but that’s no reason to make yourself miserable.

Self-imposed misery will not be of any benefit to anyone. Yet your enjoyment of life can result in value for lots of other people.

Enjoy life, and you grow more effective and purposeful in your living of it. Enjoy life, and you become more engaged, more curious, better able to make a positive difference.

Enjoy the experience of your work, enjoy the times you spend playing and relaxing. Enjoy dealing with the challenges, enjoy soaking in the pleasures.

Enjoy being who you are, and enjoy the uniqueness of each person you encounter. Enjoy the energy of the people around you, and enjoy the quiet contemplation during times of solitude.

Enjoy the wide and wonderful range of life’s experiences. Let that enjoyment help you become better able to give real value and goodness to life in return.

— Ralph Marston

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