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We are constantly invited to be who we are.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Saturday, November 26, 2022

Utilize today

This is your one chance to put life and richness and value into today. Make the most of it.

Here in front of you are hours and minutes that will never come again. They contain unique opportunities you can utilize to the benefit of yourself and others.

Today you can finally undertake what you’ve been putting off until later. Today you can identify specific actions that will improve your world, and you can take those actions.

Today you have more experience, more knowledge and a more clearly defined sense of purpose than ever before. It would be a shame not to put all that to good use.

Put yourself in a position where you can look back on today with satisfaction and gratitude for all you did with it. Though it’s one day out of many, it’s the one you now can work with, and one that can make a big difference.

What could you work to create, improve, support or replenish today? Here is your moment to get started.

— Ralph Marston

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Copyright ©2022 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.

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