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The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you.
-- Oscar Wilde


Monday, November 28, 2022

Real treasure

What you treasure is what you invest yourself in. What you treasure is what you work and wait and sacrifice for.

A time, an activity, an object is not special just because someone says it is. It is special because of what you give to it.

On its own, an elaborate display or a sumptuous feast has no particular meaning. The meaning comes from the long stretches of day-to-day living that get you to it.

Every minute of every hour is your opportunity to create real treasure. That treasure is built upon your effort, your time, your sincere caring, responsibility, and love.

Empty, glittery things quickly fade back into the insignificance from which they came. What you put your life into, on the other hand, grows in meaning, substance, and value.

Do the work, shoulder the burdens, give yourself to what demands the best of you. That’s where life’s real treasure is made.

— Ralph Marston

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